Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Rating Movies

Ok, so this past weekend I saw V for whatever....anyway, it was okay. I swear though I like Nat. Portman, but she cried to damn much. One word...Netflix.

Apartment hunting in Silver Spring

I'm in the process of trying to move closer to work (in DC). There are several apartment buildings in Silver Spring that I have been looking at. Although the reviews of such apartments are awful..But dang near every apartment has a bad seriously bitter and angry people...anyway....which apartments do people like?

My choices are:

1. Alexander house
2. Bennington
3. The Blairs (all except the Towns--I'm not made of money)

That's about it.

Any thoughts about those?

Shark teeth

It is 10:27pm.....what is your boyfriend doing???

possibility sitting in front of the TV playing video games w/ a friend??

Should I be worried...hell I could be writing anything and he won't know...

Maybe I should tell a secret of his....might teach him a lesson.

Let's see, obsessed with soccer ---damn that's not a secret. Well the quest will continue to find something....

Monday, March 20, 2006

Why Mondays suck.....

1. Everyone but you seems chipper
2. It is physically impossible to hurl your car over another in an effort to get home
3. Starbucks line (enough said)
4. People actually expect you to do some work
5. People expect you there on time...come on I barely made it out of the bed!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Nasty Girl

Is it bad that I am feeling, 'Nasty Girl' ?

I mean, as a woman, shouldn't I feel bad about straight jamming to this song???


Saturday, March 18, 2006

Check Site Out

Check out my boyfriend's website...let's see if he updates this site better than his blogger one--although I can't really talk since the last time I had a post was in Jan.'06

For the all the soccer nuts....enjoy!